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[Verse 1]
LorDd, yoA7u have come to the DLakeshore, D looking Gneither for Gwealthy nor A7wise ones. A7 You only Dasked me tA7o follow Dhumbly. D7
O GLord, A7with your eyes you have Dsearched me, D and while Emsmiling, A7have spoken my Dname. D7 Now my Gboats left on the sEmhoreline Dbehind me, D7 By your Emside, A7I will seek other Dseas.
[Verse 2]
YDou kA7now so well my posDsessions. D My Gboat carries no Ggold and no A7weapons. A7 You will Dfind there, my A7nets and Dlabor. D7
O GLord, A7with your eyes you have Dsearched me, D and while Emsmiling, A7have spoken my Dname. D7 Now my Gboats left on the sEmhoreline Dbehind me, D7 By your Emside, A7I will seek other Dseas.
[Verse 3]
DYou A7need my hands full of Dcaring, D through my Glabors to Ggive others A7rest, and Dconstant-love A7that keeps on Dloving. D7
O GLord, A7with your eyes you have Dsearched me, D and while Emsmiling, A7have spoken my Dname. D7 Now my Gboats left on the sEmhoreline Dbehind me, D7 By your Emside, A7I will seek other Dseas.
[Verse 4]
DYou, A7who have fished other Doceans, D ever Glonged for by Gsouls who are A7waiting, my lDoving-friend, A7as thus you Dcall me. D7
O GLord, A7with your eyes you have Dsearched me, D and while Emsmiling, A7have spoken my Dname. D7 Now my Gboats left on the sEmhoreline Dbehind me, D7 By your Emside, A7I will seek other Dseas.