Misc Praise Songs - Cornerstone - tis so sweet to trust in jesus
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Tis so Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Verse 1:
'GTis so sweet Cto trust in JesGus,
Gjust to take Him aA7t His woDrd.
JGust to rest upCon His promiGse,
Cjust to know "Thus saGith tDhe LGord."
GJesus, Jesus hCow I truDst Him!
GHow I've proved Him o'A7er and oD'er.
JeGsus, Jesus precCious JeGsus.
GO for grCace to trGust HiDm moGre.
Verse 2:
OG how sweet toC trust in JesusG,
Gjust to trust His A7cleansinDg blood.
AGnd in simple Cfaith to plungeG me,
C'neath the healing, cGleansDing Gflood.
GJesus, Jesus hCow I truDst Him!
GHow I've proved Him o'A7er and oD'er.
JeGsus, Jesus precCious JeGsus.
GO for grCace to trGust HiDm moGre.
Verse 3:
YGes 'tis sweetC to trust in JeGsus,
Gjust from sin and A7self to Dcease.
JGust from JesuCs simply takingG
Clife and rest and Gjoy aDnd pGeace.
GJesus, Jesus hCow I truDst Him!
GHow I've proved Him o'A7er and oD'er.
JeGsus, Jesus precCious JeGsus.
GO for grCace to trGust HiDm moGre.
Verse 4:
IG'm so glad I Clearned to trusGt Thee,
Gprecious Jesus, SaA7vior, FrDiend.
AGnd I know thaCt Thou art withG me,
Cwilt be with me tGo theD endG.
GJesus, Jesus hCow I truDst Him!
GHow I've proved Him o'A7er and oD'er.
JeGsus, Jesus precCious JeGsus.
GO for grCace to trGust HiDm moGre.