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Come Thou Fount Verse 1:
ECome Thou FountB of every blessing, Tune mAy heartB to sinEg Thy grace; StEreams C#mof mercy, neBver ceasing, Call foAr songs Bof loudEest praise. TeEach meC#m some melodAious sonnet, SuEng by C#mflaming tonguAes above; Praise thEe mount! I'm fiBxed upon it, MBount oAf ThyB redeemEing love.
Verse 2:
EHere I raise myB "Ebenezer"; HitherA by ThyB help IE'm come; AnEd I hoC#mpe, by Thy gBood pleasure, Safely Ato arrivBe at hoEme. JesEus souC#mght me whenA a stranger, WEanderiC#mng from theA fold of God; He, to reEscue me from daBnger, BInterpAosed BHis preEcious blood.
Verse 3:
EOh, to grace hoBw great a debtor, Daily AI'm conBstraineEd to be! LeEt Thy C#mgoodness, liBke a fetter, Bind myA wand'riBng hearEt to Thee. PErone tC#mo wander, LAord, I feel it, PErone tC#mo leave theA God I love; Here's myE heart, Oh, takBe and seal it BSeal iAt forB Thy coEurts above.