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GCome, Thou DAlmighty GKing GHelp us Thy NCame to Dsing; Ghelp us to pDraise DFather all gloGrious, OD’er all victGorious GCome and reign ov – er us, CAn - cient oDf DGays
Verse 2:
GCome, Thou IncDarnate WGord GGird on Thy miCght - y sDword; oGur prayer atDtend DCome, and Thy peGople bless, aDnd give Thy WGord success GSpirit of ho - li - ness, Con us dDe - sGcend
Verse 3:
GCome, Holy ComDfort - Ger GThy sacred wiCt - ness bDear, Gin this glad hDour DThou, Who almiGghty art, nDow rule in evG’ry heart GAnd never from us de - part, CSpir - it D of pGow’r
Verse 4:
GTo Thee, great DOne in ThGree GThe highest prCais - es Dbe, heGnce everDmore DHis sovereign majGesty; mDay we in glGory see GAnd to eter - ni - ty, lCove and aD - dGore