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Be Thou My Vision
CBe Thou my Amvision, O FLord of Gmy Cheart; GNaught be all else to me, Fsave that AmThou Gart- AmThou my best Gthought, Cby day or Gby Fnight, CWaking or Amsleeping, Thy Fpresence Gmy CLight.
CBe Thou my AmWisdom, and FThou my Gtrue CWord; GI ever with Thee, and FThou with Amme, GLord; AmThou my great GFather, CI Thy Gtrue Fson, CThou in me Amdwelling, and FI with GThee Cone.
CRiches I Amheed not, nor Fman's emGpty Cpraise, GThou mine inheritance, Fnow and Amal-Gways; AmThou and Thou Gonly, Cfirst in Gmy Fheart, CHigh King of Amheaven, my FTreasure GThou Cart.
CHigh King of Amheaven, my FvictoGry Cwon, GMay I reach heaven's joys, FO bright Amheav'n's GSun! AmHeart of my Gown heart, Cwhatever GbeFfall, CStill be my Amvision, O FRuler Gof Call.