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Tuning: G C E A
Henry F Lyte William H Monk
CA--G7bide with Cme; fast Ffalls Cthe G7e-venCtide; CThe FdarkCness FdeepeCns; DmLord Gwith Cme D7a--Gbide. CWhen G7other ChelpGers Ffail and A7comforts Dmflee, GHelp Cof G7the ChelpGless, CO Fa--Cbide Gwith Cme.
CSwift G7to its Cclose ebbs Fout Clife’s G7little Cday. CEarth’s Fjoys Cgrow Fdim; Cits DmgloriGes Cpass D7a--Gway. CChange G7and deCcay Gin aFll aA7round I Dmsee; GO Cthou G7who CchanGgest Cnot, Fa--Cbide Gwith Cme!
CI G7need thy Cpresence Fev’Cry G7passing Chour. CWhat Fbut Cthy Fgrace Ccan Dmfoil Gthe CtempD7ter’s Gpow’r? CWho, G7like thyCself, Gmy Fguide and A7stay can Dmbe? GThru Ccloud G7and CsunGshine, CLord, Fa--Cbide Gwith Cme!