Misc. - El paso
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From uunet!decwrl!world!rogers Tue Jul 21 15:59:12 PDT 1992
Article: 915 of alt.guitar.tab
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.tab
Path: nevada.edu!uunet!decwrl!world!rogers
From: rogers@world.std.com (roger j selverstone)
Subject: Chords:El Paso
Message-ID: <BrquMA.ED2@world.std.com>
Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1992 14:51:45 GMT
Lines: 99
El Paso - Marty Robbins
COut in the West Texas Dmtown of El Paso G7I fell in love with a Mexican Cgirl.
CNighttime would find me in DmRosa's Cantina,
G7 C F|C
Music would play and Felina would whirl.
CBlack as the night were the Dmeyes of Felina,
G7 C F|C
Wicked and evil while casting a spell.
CMy love was strong for this DmMexican maiden,
G7 C F|C
I was in love, but in vain I could tell.
FOne night a wild young Bbcowboy came Fin, wild as the BbWest Texas C7wind...
C7Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing,
With wicked Felina, the girl that I Flove.
So in Gan - G7ger I Cchallenged his right for the Dmlove of this G7maiden;
Down went his hand for the gun that he Cwore.
My challenge was answered, Dmin less than a heartbeat
GThe handsome young stranger lay dead on the Cfloor.
Just for a moment I Dmstood there in silence,
GShocked by the foul evil deed I had Cdone.
Many thoughts ran through my Dmmind as I stood there;
GI had but one chance and that was to Crun.
FOut through the back door of BbRose's I Fran, out where the Bbhorses were C7tied...
C7I picked a good one; he looked like he could run,
Up on his back and away I did Fride.
Just as Cfast as I could from the DmWest Texas town of El Paso,
GOut thru the badlands of New MexiCco.
Back in El Paso my Dmlife would be worthless;
GEverything's gone in life nothing is Cleft.
CBut it's been so long since I've Dmseen the young maiden,
GMy love is stronger that my fear of Cdeath.
FI saddled up and Bbaway I did Fgo, riding Bbalone in the C7dark...
Maybe tomorrow a bullet may find me,
Tonight nothing's worse than this pain in my Fheart.
CAnd as last here I am on the hill overloDmoking El Paso,
GI can see Rose's Cantina Cbelow.
My love is strong and it Dmpushes me onward, Gdown off the hill to Felina I Cgo.
COff to my right I see Dmfive mounted cowboys,
GOff to my left ride a dozen or Cmore.
Cshouting and shooting; DmI can't let them catch me,
GI've got to make it to Rose's back Cdoor.
FSomething is dreadfully Bbwrong for I Ffeel a deep burning Bbpain in my C7side...
It's getting harder to stay in the saddle.
I'm getting weary, unable to Fride.
CBut my love for Felina is strong and I Dmrise where I've fallen;
GThough I am weary, I can't stop to Crest.
CI see the white puff of Dmsmoke from the rifle,
GI feel the bullet go deep in my Cchest.
C>From out of nowheDmre, Felina has found me,
GKissing my cheek as she Ckneels by my side.
CCradled by two loving Dmarms that I'll die for,
GOne little kiss and Felina Cgoodbye.