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Cthulhu Pie Lyrics by r/freekill based on American Pie Chords by r/spidyfan21 based on other chords r/spidyfan21 also made a few lyrical changes VERSE
A Flong, Glong Dm7time ago DmI can still reFmember those berrAmies in the grocery aiGsle And FI knew GrightDm7 then at first glance That DmI could make a pie Fperchance and mayAmbe it would haveF a little smGile But Amthe result, it Dmmade me shiver As I rAmemoved it afDmter dinner FBad news Fon the Dmstove top, MFy breathing came to a sGtop I Fcan't rememGber if I Amcried When I Dm7looked into itsG evil eyes FSomething Gtouched me Amdeep inside The Fday I G7baked FthatF pieF
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie
FDid you come here Dmto make me flee, And were Fyou sent by the Dmdevil to me, AmWill the Bible Gtell me so? FDid you Gcome here to Amdevour my soul, and Dm7will locusts fly Fout of your berry holes. AmI had to back awaD7y real sloGw! Well, IAm know that you’re Gan evil dessert and I'Amm not sure I canG get away unhurt I fiFgured what hFave I got to D7lose , Fit was time for me to G7choose. I was a Flonely Gteenage Ampastry cook with a Dmsoul that heaven Fhad forsook so FI knew Gthat it was Amtime to book The Fday I G7baked that Fpie. FI sFtarted screaming
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie
Now for Ften years I've been Dmon my own but thFe pie still haunts me when I'm Dmall alone Ambut that’s not how it Gshould be. When I graFbbed myG things, and IAm ran away the pDm7ie spoke to me in aFn ominous way with aAm voice that came from yoD7u and mGe Oh, aAmnd while I thought I was Gsafe and sound, the Ampie's power grew byG leaps and bounds. HumanFity was eFnslaved; NoD7 one cFould be saG7ved. And while Fall I wanGted was a tAmasty treat, the Dmpie took over the Fworld's elite, And Fwe were foGrced to mAmake a hasty retreat, The Fday I bakeG7d that Fpie. FWe Fwere scream'n
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie
FHelter skelter the hDmell fires made us swelter. FThe survivors hid in a Dmfallout shelter, AmBut our supplies wereGn't going to last. It wasF time to Gstrike, to Amsave our lives. BeforeDm7 the pie lead to ouFr demise, AmSo we came up with a plan reallD7y fastG. Now an Amevil mist was everGywhere and CthuAmlhu's minions reaped Gdeath and despair Fwe only hadF one chanD7ce, Fwe had to make our stG7ance! The Fpie it Gtried to mAmake us scream so we foDmund a freezer full of vFanilla ice cream and Fwe fiGlled a trucAmk to the extreme FThe day IG7 baked thFat pie FWe Fstarted scream'n
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie
Oh, aFnd there we were Dmall in one place, the FCthulhu Pie had gDmiven us chase but thAmere was no time left toG run and hide. So come on: Fjack be nGimbleAm, jack be quick! Dm7our plan was crazy, Fand our implementation drastic bAmut we lured the pie into an icD7e cream landslideG Oh, aAmnd as I watched iGt shout with rageAm My hands clenched a spoon, Gready to engage. TheF pie waFs born iD7n hell but Fwe broke that sataG7n’s spell. and as we dFevoured its tastGy crustAm and enjoyed thDme ice cream in aF fit of lust I saw CFthulhuG laughing wiAmth disgust The dFay I baG7ked thaFt pie FHe sFtarted singing
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie
NoFw, 100 yGears have cAmome and gone and thDme Cthulhu Pie is leFgend and song and thaAmt's the way it stayed for a whiGle. UnFtil, a girGl went Amto the grocery store Where IDm had gone yFears before, and she Ambaked apples in a cFrust, and gave it a Gsmile. And Amin the streets: theDm children screamed, The lAmovers cried, and the Dmpoets blasphemed. the Fevil hFad returnDmed; alFl of humanity burnGed. And the Fthree men GI adAmmire most, the Dm7Father, FSon, and the G7Holy Ghost FThey caught the Glast train Amfor the coast the Dm7she bakeG7d thatF pie G7and they were singing...
So FBye FBye ScaFry Cthulhu GPie you made my Fberries look so Fscary and I Fjust don't know Gwhy Your Fevil Fcrust makes me Fwant to Gcry Scream'n, tAmhis will be the day that I dD7ie, tAmhis will be the day that I dG7ie