Misc Children - Sesame street - celebrity lullaby
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This is the song Ricky Gervais sings to Elmo on the DVD "Elmo's Animal Adventures"
Chords Used:
Am: x02210
F : xx3210 (Or 133211)
C : x32010
G : 320033
TAmhe letter 'N' is whFat you need,
WChen you take a nGap,
NAmeed to put your nighFtshirt on,
Or pCut on your nigGhtcap.
'AmN' begins numFmies,
Which are reCally nice to eGat
AmAt night before you nuFzzle down,
In betCween the shGeets
'N' goes:
'N' goes:
WAmhen you want to rFest your body,
LCay your noggin dGown.
PAmut on your pyjFamas
Or pCut on your nighGtgown.
TAmell your niece and nFephew
And the neigChbours down your stGreet
The leAmtter N is reFally helpful
WChen you need to slGeep
And 'N' goes:
''Nighty night!''