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Tuning: E A D G B E
It's a G#blue, blue jungle Ev'ry G#7vine, ev'ry G#treeG#7 Yes, C#it's a blue, blue jungle Not C#7like it used to G#be G#7 Because D#7my little buddy C#7My little Mowgli's far from G#me An' I got the G#7misery
Oh, they G#civilized my mancub G#7Washed his face and combed his G#hair–sticky gooey stuff, G#7yeah They C#civilized my mancub C#7Gave him way-out clothes to G#where–nG#7owhere They're D#7messin' with my Mowgli
And he would've made one swell bear
Oh, I'm on the G#road to G#7ruin G#StewG#7in' 'bout him G#night 'n day Yes, I'm just a C#broodin' C#7bruin C#Stewin' wC#7hile I'm turnin' G#grayG#7 I've D#7got to have my mancub Gotta C#7get him back here right G#away–someway
And if G#anybody tries to stop me He better G#7bring all the help he G#can G#7Hear me talkin' to ya I said if C#anybody tries to C#7stop me He gonna get a one-way ticket to the promised G#land G#7I'm preachin' now 'Cause I'm gonna D#7cave in his casaba I'm gonna C#pull it off And then lay it in his G#handC# G# A


I've G#got those sad-about-'im Can't-G#live-without-'im C#Baloo G#blues