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Tuning: E A D G B E
MDmom was a DiGmamond who iCnvaded Earth Fmaj7Saw its Dmbeauty aA7augnd its wAorth DmMom made an Gmarmy and she fCought herself DDmid that even end up mattering when she Afaked her own shattering? MDmom lived in Gmhiding by the Cname of Rose Fmaj7with the Dmfriends she'd made,A7dim and the foA7rm she chose DmNow all that's Gmleft of her Cexists in me Dm6And I think that we caAn all agree TGmhat is a little bit uDmpsetting Gm c I'd rather think about... a wedding!
C7Let's think about cake FLet's think about flowers LC7et's think about Fdressing up and F7dancing around for hours BbThere's anC awful a lot of Amawful things we could bB7dime thinking of! BbBut for just onCe day let's only thinFk about love
chords for over dialogue: C7 F C7 F Fmaj7 F7 Bb Bbm c [Ruby] Okay, Sapphire~! I gotta get dressed for our big day now so... no peeking And no future vision either~! [Sapphire] Okay~ [Pearl] Oh, Steven... I just wish I could've said something sooner about Rose and Pink [Steven]
C7We could think about lies TFhat we told in the past
[Pearl speaks in the background]
C7We could think about hurt feelings FAnd how long they can last
[Pearl speaks in the background]
OC7r we can think about hope
[Pearl] Hope? [Steven]
YFou know I've been hoping
[Pearl] About what? [Steven]
TGhat everything is G7better now CEverything's out in the open
Bismuth? Is that what you're wearing to the wedding? [Bismuth] It's the nicest thing I own [Steven] Looking sharp~!
C7We could think about flowers FWe could think about cake C7 f F7 We could think about wonderful promises we have the power to make BbThere's an Cawful a lot of aAmwful things we couB7dimld be thinking of! BbBut for just one Cday let's only think Fabout love
Dialogue: C7 F Amdim Bb Bbm c [Amethyst] Maybe I shouldn't have picked up roses Maybe a little... controversial [Steven]
C7We could all rethink how we feeFl about Rose WC7hen it comes to Pink, and the things that she dFid in the past I suppose
[Amethyst] Yeah [Steven]
OC7r we both could feeFl better F7Because we could think about how GWe could think aboG7ut us And we coCuld think about now
Dialogue: C7 F C7 F F7 Bb C7 [Amethyst speaking] [Steven] No worries, Peridot is gathering more flowers right now I'll go get her [ Harmonic Humming ]
BFutF7 for BbjustC7 one day let's only think about... Dialogue:
Fmaj A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Peridot? [Peridot]: What if Lapis was right? Sooner or later, the Diamonds are gonna come for the Cluster We are all gonna die here! [Steven]
WA7e could think about war DmWe could think about fighting WeA7 could think long lost friends we Dmwish we were inviting A7We could think about tDmhe broken gems and tB7dimhe Cluster at the planet's core OGr we could think about the bubble we made so that they can't be hurt
Any- they can't be hurt anymore
WGe can think abouG7t joy WCe could think about pain WG7e could think abouCt sunshine WeC7 could think about rain
F G Em B7dim (Eighth fret) There's an awful a lot of awful things we could be thinking of~!
FBut for just one day let's only thiGnk about~
JFust one day let's only thiGnk about F Just one day let's only thinkG about