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You rFeach your right hoof in You rFeach your right hoof Fout You rFeach your right hoof in And you shGake it all abGout You Fdo the Pony PFokey meeting loGts of folks with cloGut ThaFt's what I'Gm talking abFout
You sFtep your left hoof in You pFull it right back outF You sFtep your left hoof in But you beGtter help him oGut You Fdo the Pony PFokey but you'd fiGnd a different rouGte ThaFt's what itG's all abFout
You kFick your back leg in You pFull your back leg oFut You rFeach your back leg in Just be brGave and have no doGubt You Fdo the Pony PoFkey feeling lGike you're gonna poGut ThaFt's what I'Gm singing abFout
You tFilt your head in You tFilt your head oFut You tFilt your head in Then you sGhake it all abGout You Fdo the Pony PFokey even thoGugh your date's a loGut YouF're better oGff withoFut
You sFtomp your whole self in You sFtomp your whole self oFut You sFtomp your whole self in And you stGomp yourself abGout You Fdo the Pony PFokey and you gGive a little shGout (Fluttershy: COME OUT!) ThaFt's what I'Gm talking abFout
You dFo the Pony PokFey You dGo the Pony PokGey You dFo the Pony PokeFy And thFat's what itG's all aboFut YEAH!
Well, I tried my best.