Misc Cartoons - Phineas and ferb - 12 days of christmas
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Tuning: E A D G B E
(Phineas)GOn the 1st day of christmas pls Dsanta give to Gme a jet powered Drocket Gski
(Candace)On the 2nd day of christmas pls Dsanta give to Gme D2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and a Gjet powered Drocket Gski
(Isabella)on the 3rd day of christmas pls Dsanta give to Gme a Dsash full of patches
(Candace)D2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and Gjet powered Drocket Gski
(Jeremy)on the G#4th day of christmas pls D#santa give to G#me a D#silver guitar
(Isabella)a D#sash full of patches
(Candace)D#2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and G#jet powered D#rocket G#ski
(Dr Doofenshmirtz)on the A5th day of christmas pls Esanta give to Ame the entire Btri state Earea
(Jeremy)a Asilver guitar
(Isabella)a Dsash full of patches
(Candace)E2 busted Brothers
(Phineas)and Ajet powered Erocket Aski
(Baljeet)on the A#6th day of christmas pls Fsanta give to A#me a Fkiss from a girl
(Dr doofenshmirtz)the A#entire Ctri state aFrea or at least a large portion of it, I don't wanna get to greedy
(Jeremy)a A#silver guitar
(Isabella)a D#sash full Of Patches
(Candace)F2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and a A#jet powered Frocket A#ski
(Buford)on the B7th day of christmas pls F#santa give to Bme F#more nerds to bully
(Baljeet)a F#kiss from a girl
(Dr doofenshmirtz)the Bentire C#tri state you know what, how about just two of these three sates?
That's fair right? Deal?
(Jeremy)a Bsilver guitar
(Isabella)a Esash full of patches
(Candace)F#2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and a Bjet powered F#rocket Bski
(Francis monogram)on the C8th day of christmas pls Gsanta give to Cme Gpromotion to colonel
(Buford)Gmore nerds to bully
(Baljeet) a Gkiss from a girl
(Dr doofenshmirtz)Cone Dsingle Gstate I feel like I was overreaching before,
just... Just one state area will be fine, go on with the song
(Jeremy) a Csilver guitar
(Isabella) a Fsash full of patches
(Candace)G2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and Cjet powered Grocket Cski
(Phineas)on the C#9th day of christmas pls G#santa give to C#me(perry growls)
(Francis)G#promotion to colonel
(Buford)G#more nerds to bully
(Baljeet)a G#kiss from a girl
(Dr doofenshmirtz)C#five D#golden ErinG#gs ya know I had to sing it that way at least once it's tradition
and I am traditional
(Jeremy)a C#silver guitar
(Isabella) a F#sash full of patches
(Candace)G#2 busted broyhers
(Phineas) and a C#jet powered G#rocket C#ski
(Carl)on the D10th day of christmas pls Asanta give to Dme a Ajob that pays me money
(Francis)Apromotion to colonel
(Buford)Amore nerds to bully
(Baljeet)a Akiss from a girl
Is it too late to change mine
(Dr doofenshmirtz)yeah actually promotion to colonel sounds pretty sweet is it...(Jeremy)a Dsilver guitar
(Isabella) a Gsash full of patches
(Candace)A2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and Djet powered Arocket Dski
(Vanessa)on the D#11th day of christmas pls A#santa give to D#me my A#own set of wheels
(Carl)a A#job that pays me money
(Francis)A#promotion to colonel
(Buford)A#more nerds to bully
(Baljeet)a A#kiss from a girl
from this mythic all powerful gift giver who only comes once in a year it insane!
(Dr doofenshmirtz)you know this is way to much pressure being put on the spot for one thing that I want(Jeremy)a D#silver guitar
(Isabella)a G#sash full of patches
(Candace)A#2 busted brothers
(Phineas)and a D#jet powered A#rocket D#ski
(Ferb)on the E12th day of christmas pls Bsanta give to Eme Bone line of dialogue
(Vanessa)my Bown set of wheels
(Carl)a Bjob that pays me money
(Francis)Bpromotion to colonel
(Buford)Bmore nerds to bully
(Baljeet)a Bkiss from a girl
(Dr doofenshmirtz)how about just some almond brittle? Its a realistic request right?
(Jeremy)a Esilver guitar
(Isabella) a Asash full of patches
(Candace)Bah forget it
(Phineas)and a Ejet Apowered Brocket Cski.D....E.. Inator(dr doofenshmirtz)