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The fantastic theme song to the show Over the Garden Wall, in its complete version. The song is played on piano in the show, hence I've taken a few liberties in assigning chords. Tons of help was provided by the sheet music from so thanks very much to that transcriber. Chords: B6: x21104 Cdim/D#: x6457x F#m/A: x07675 or x 0 11 11 10 9 F#m/A(II): x0422x C#m/G#(II): 442xxx D#7*: Could be D#7sus2: x6866x (The sheet music indicated there's an F in this last chord, but D#sus2 doesn't sound right. You can also get by with a D#7 or D#m7) Piano intro: C#m G# C#m... E--3h4-5-4-3-4--16-------16-15- B------------------14-17------- Part I:
C#mLed through the B6mist, by the F#m/C#milk-light of F#mmoon C#m/G#All that was Cdim/D#lost is rC#mevealedG#7 Our C#mlong bygone B6burdens, mere F#m/Aechoes of the G#spring, But Awhere have we C#m/G#come, and F#mwhere shall we G#end? F#m/A(II) C#m/G#(II) F#m G# If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend? (just emphasize the lower strings on these first 3 chords)
Part II:
Oh C#how the gentle Ddimwind D#mBeckons through the G#6leaves, As C#autumn F7colors F#fall Bb7
D#mDancing in a G#7swirl, C#Of golden Bb7memories, The D#7*loveliest G#7lies of C#all.
(There's some piano flourish in the outro, which can be approximated with an A -> C# arpeggio) The latter chords repeat some on the show to accommodate the narration, but it's pretty easy to tell where to repeat.