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Tuning: G C E A
[Intro] ~Spoken~ Celstia
BCongratulations Twilight I knew you could do it. Twilight EPrincess! I don't understand, what did I do?
EYou did something today that's never been done before. Something even a great Bunicorn like Starswirl the Bearded was not able to doE Because he did not Bunderstand friendship like you doG# The lessons you've learned here in EPonyville have taught Byou well
You have proven that you're ready Twilight Twilight
F#Ready? Ready for what? B A
YEmou've come such a lAong, long, way, ABnd I've watched you from that vAery first dEay BTo see how you mG#might grow, tAo see what you might Edo BTo see what you've G#mbeen through, anAd all the ways you've mEade me proud of yBou G#m A E BIt's time now G#mfor a nAew change to come BYou've grownG#m up and your nAew life hEas begun BTo go where you G#mwill go, Ato see what you wEill see BTo find what you G#mwill be, for it's tAime for you to fullfill your dEestinyD--
[Outro] ~Quicken pace, refer to video~ E D E D E D
E~rCesDorCt Dback to normal pace~ E B E B G C C