Misc Cartoons - Moose a moose - critter comrades noggin
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Critter Comrades
Sung by Moose A. Moose on Noggin
tabbed by 'White Magic' Mike
I did this one afternoon after not being able to find chords for this song
anywhere. If there are mistakes, please feel free to correct me!
In this version, all Em chords are played normally but with the high e
string fingered on the 3rd fret
CSome of my very best Cfriends are furry
Some Ambark a little bit and Dsome are purry
And I'd D6love to Emshare a sarsaparilla
With a Am7good-natured goat or a D7friendly gorilla.
And I Cfind there's always quite a Cbit one can learn
From an Amelephant - in other words,D pachyderm
And you'd D6have to Emlook long and look hard
To find a Am7pal as saintly as your D7nearest Saint Bernard
Gmaj7When you embark on your Cnext nature study
ReGmaj7member that you might meet a Abudding best buddy
With a Am7tail, she won't fail
To be a D7friend to the end
If you Cneed a Dhand when you're Cdown or Amblue
Then a Chelpful Dpaw may just Ccomfort you.
Feathers, Cfins, or Dfur, when you're Cfeeling Amsad
Nothing Ccheers you Dup like a Ccritter comrade!
CIf you are bored, then Cwhy not make a bee line
For the Amnearest seal or your Dlocal sea lion?
Or, why not D6ask a Emtiger out to tea?
I say, &quAm7ot;Excuse me Miss Tiger, is D7that one lump or three?"
And I Gmaj7find that beavers do make Cmighty good chums
They can Gmaj7chew your ear off, but they Aget a lot done
With their Am7tails, they won't fail
To be D7friends to the end