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FMoon Pride I will Bbbecome the Fwind that is Cunder your Fwings
DmNow as the tears wash away my Gmsadness And in my Ceyes passion burns with Ffire And with a Dmforce as strong as the Gmlightning My heart is Casking me what is Ftrue Alove No matter Gmwhere we are, (even if Cdarkness falls) we’re neveFr reallBby alone (I’m with you now) Here Emin the EMoonAlight Ah-ah
DmEven when I've Bblost my way I will Calways hold my head up FproudAly I’ll neveBbr want the prince on hiFs horse to come and rescue me GmWe will always fight and Astand on our own
BbShiny Make-Up CI’ll be thFe one whBbo shines in thCe sky with Fall of the Astars BbWe are not those helpless Cgirls anyFmore that nBbeeded pCrotection fFrom all our fAears
GSo now Shiny Make-Up DI’ll be thGe one tCo fight for uDs all; proGtecting the B7stars GNow’s the time a brand neDw legenGd begins foreCtold by the Dheavens Gfrom long aEgo La La FPretty GGuardian Sailor AMoonB7