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Tuning: G C E A
[Intro] A A E7 E7 D D A E7 [Verse]
A A long,long Atime ago E7 there was a E7volcano D living Dall alone in the Amiddle of the E7sea E7 AHe sat high aAbove his bed E7watching all the E7couples play D and Dwishing that Ahe had someone E7too E7 A And from his Alava came this E7song of hope E7that he sang out Dloud Deveryday Afor years and E7years E7
D I have a dreamD I Ahope will come Atrue that E7you're here with E7me and AI'm here with Ayou I Dwish that the Dearth, sea, & the Asky up aAbove-a will Dsend me E7someone to Alava A
[Verse 2] D E A A
AYears of singing Aall alone tE7urned his lava E7into stone unDtil Dhe was on the Abrink of extincE7tion E7 A But little Adid he know that E7living in the E7sea below anDother Dvolcano was Alistening to his E7song E7 AEvery day she Aheard his tune E7her lava grew and E7grew beDcause Dshe believed his Asong was meant for E7her E7 A Now she was Aso ready to E7meet him aE7cross the sea as he Dsang his Dsong of hope Afor the last E7time E7
D I have a dreamD I Ahope will come Atrue that E7you're here with E7me and AI'm here with Ayou I Dwish that the Dearth, sea, & the Asky up aAbove-a will Dsend me E7someone to Alava A
[Verse 3] A A
ARising from the Asea below E7stood a lovely E7volcano D looking Dall around but Ashe could not see E7him E7 He Atried to sing to Alet her know that E7she was not E7there alone but Dwith no Dlava his Asong was all E7gone E7 He Afilled the sea Awith his tears and wE7atched his dreams E7disappear as Dshe reDmembered what his Asong meant to E7her
D I have a dreamD I Ahope will come Atrue that E7you're here with E7me and AI'm here with Ayou D D A A D E7 A A(single Strum) I wish that the earth, sea, & the sky up above-a will send me someone to lava
[Final Verse] A A A A
AOh they were Aso happy to E7finally meet aE7bove the sea D all toDgether now their Dlava grew and E7grew E7 No Alonger are they Aall alone with aE7loha as E7their new home D and when you Dvisit them Athis is what they Asing A
[Final Chorus]
D I have a dreaDm I Ahope will come Atrue that E7you'll grow old with meE7 and AI'll grow old with youA DWe thank the Dearth, sea, & the Asky we thank Atoo DI E7lava Ayou A DI E7lava Ayou A D E7 A A(single strum) I lava you