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* Song: Laughter Song (Giggle at the Ghosty / Face Your Fears) Original Author: Daniel Ingram Chords by: Gokenshadow
When CI was a little filly And the sun was going DmdowFn The Cdarkness and the shadows They would always make me DmfrowFn CI'd Fhide under my Cpillow From Fwhat I thought I Csaw But FGranny Pie said that Cwasn't the way To Dmdeal with fears at Gall
She said, CPinkie, you've Fgotta stand up Ctall Learn to Gface your fears CYou'll see that Fthey can't hurt you Just Dmlaugh and make them Gdisappear."
Ha, ha, ha!
G7So Fgiggle at the Cghosty, AmGuffaw at the Ggrossly, FCrack up at the Ccreepy, AmWhoop it up with the Gweepy, FChortle at the Cpukey, AmSnortle at the Gspooky And Ftell that big dumb scary face to Ctake a hike and leave you alone and if he Gthinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just make you wanna ...hahahaha...Flaugh! C Am G C