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-------------------------------------------------------------- FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER - Frozen -------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Attract Chords: Bbsus (x13311) Fadd9 (135211) or (133213) Fsus4 (133311) Bm7 (x24232) F6 (132211) or (x33210) F#add9 (246322) F#sus4 (244422) Cm7 (x35343) F#6 (243322) G6 (354433) C#m7 (x46454)


Bbsus F x3


Anna: The Fwindow is open, sBbo's that door I Fadd9didn't know they did that Canymore Who Fknew we owned a tFsus4housand sFalad pClates? For Fyears I've roamed these eBbmpty halls Fadd9Why have a ballroom wCith no balls? DmFinally they're oFpening up the gBm7ates Bb
There'll be Cactual real live pFeople CIt'll be totally Amstrange EbWow, am I so ready for this Cchange


Cause for the fFirst time in fBborever There'll be Fmusic, therCe'll be liFght F6 For the Dmfirst time in forAmever I'll be Ebdancing through the Cnight
Don't Dmknow if I'm elated or gCassy But I'm Bm7somewhere in that Bbzone Cause for the Fmfirst time in fBborever C I won't be alone
Bbsus F x3 I can't wait to meet everyone! (gasp) What if I meet... the one?

Key change:

ToF#night imagine me gBown and all F#add9Fetchingly draped agC#ainst the wall The F#picture of soF#sus4phisticF#ated C#grace Oof! I F#suddenly see him sBtanding there A F#add9beautiful stranger, tC#all and fair I Ebmwanna stuff some cF#hocolate in my fCm7ace B
But then we C#laugh and talk all F#evening, Which is tC#otally bizBbmarre ENothing like the life I've lead so C#far
For the fF#irst time in forBever There'll be F#magic, thC#ere'll be fF#un F#6 For the Ebmfirst time in forBbmever I could be Enoticed by someC#one
And I Ebmknow it is totally crC#azy To Cm7dream I'd find roBmance But for the F#mfirst time in forBever C# At least I've got a chanceF# F#6
Elsa: EbDon't let them in, Bbmdon't let them see C#Be the good girl you always G#have to be G#m EbConceal, Bbmdon't feel, C#put on a show Make oG#ne wrong move and G#meveryone wiEbll know F
Elsa: F#But it's only for tC#oday Anna: It's only for toG#day Elsa: It's agony to Ebwait Anna: It's agony to F#wait
Elsa: EbTell the guards to open up the Cgate Anna: The gate Anna For the fGirst time in foCrever Elsa: Don't let them in, don't let them see
Anna: I'm getting Gwhat I'm dDreamingG of G6 Elsa: Be the good girl you always have to be
Anna: A cEmhance to change my lBmonely world Elsa: Conceal
Anna: A Fchance to find true lDove Elsa: Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Anna: I Emknow it all ends toDmorrow, So it C#m7has to be todCay Cause for the fGirst time in foDrever For the fGirst time in fCorever D Nothing's in myG way!
A note, the Bm7 in at the end of the verse can be replace by just going straight to the Bb if it doesnt sound right to you. I personally like it. Also, the part where Elsa first starts singing is hard to translate into chords, if anyone has an idea of how to simplify that I will add it here. Other than that, I think this one is much better for playing the whole song (with key shifts) than those available. Enjoy! :)