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----NOTES---- Uncommon/non-canon chords EADGBe C7sus4 * = 633333 (technically C7sus4sus2/Bb) Am7/G = xx5585 (technically Gsus4sus2) G/F = xx343x (technically Bdim/F; G/F is more common and would help show the A-C-E in Fmaj7 - all but the bass - with its G chord top, G-B-D) G/A = x0543x Em7/D = xx0030 (no 5) C/D # = x53553 (technically Dm11no5) Bridge chords F = F bass, but notes of the F Lydian dominant scale (F G A B C D Eb F) G = same as above, but on G ( G A B C# D E F G ) D = D bass, D Mixolydian ( D E F# G A B C D ), like a D7 --END NOTES-- ORDER: I V1 PC1 C1 INT1 V2 PC2 C2 B C3 FC O [INTRO] (Elsa)
C You’ve never had a reaD/Cl birthday before ExF/Ccept of course the ones you spent outF7side my locked G7door So I’Cm here, way too late To help D/Cyou celebrate F/C C n.c. G/B And be your birthday date, if I may (achoo)
AbElsa, I’m thinking yoC/Gu might have a cold (Elsa)
I don’t get colds
Besides, a Bbadd9cold never bothered me anyway! C C Just follow the string!
[VERSE 1] (Elsa)
C I’ve got big planFadd9s! I’ve got sC/GurpriGses for today! C NotC/Ebhin??C/E? buFt nothin’s goGsus4nna getG/F# in oG/Fur Em way! I’ve worked foFadd9r weeks – planned eGverything withinAm7 my power C7sus4/Bb * F G C/G I even got Krist - off and Sven to take a shower
[PRE-CHORUS 1] (Elsa)
If GsomeC/Gone Gwants Am7/Gto Ghold Am7/Gme Fback Fmaj7 I’d G/F lik Fe t G/Fo se Fmaj7e them F try Em7 EmI’ Em7m on Am/E the G/A birt Am7h-da G/Ay plan Am attack Dm7 I’m givinC/E’ you the sun, Fadd9the moon and F/Gthe sky
[CHORUS 1] (Elsa)
I’Bbm making today Fa perfect day foG/Cr yoCu G7/C C I’Bbm making today Fa blast if it’s Gthe lC/Gast thinGg I do For Bb/Feverything you Fare to me And Fm/Aball you’ve beeAmn throuC7gh I’Dmm making C/Etoday Fa perfecF/Gt day foFsus4/Bbr you Fadd9
ACchoo! ACchoo! (Anna)
They come in threes... (Elsa)
I’m fiCne. AchooCsus4/G!
[VERSE 2] (Elsa)
CSurprise surFadd9prise! This one is 'C/GspecialGly (aCchoo) (Anna) Wow, you’vC/Ebe gotC/E meF reeling, but I?Gsus4??m stillG/F# concerG/Fned Emfor you I think it’s tiFadd9me that you go hoGme and get some Am7rest
(Elsa) C7sus4/Bb * F G n.c. G C/G We are not stop - ping cause the next one is the b –eh – eh –achoo! [PRE-CHORUS 2] (Anna)
GElsaAm7/G, you Ggotta C/G go Glie downAm7/G F (Elsa) Fmaj7No G/Fway, Fwe G/Fhave Fmaj7to Fpaint the town
Em7 Am/EBut Emyou Am/Eneed G/Amedical Amat - tenG/A - tionAm (Oaken) Are you Dm7sick? How ‘bout C/Ea cold remedy Of Fadd9my own inF/Gven - Gsus4tion?
(Elsa) n.c. No, thanks. (Anna) We’ll take it. [CHORUS 2] (Pageant Kids; Elsa in parentheses)
We’rBbe making today Fa perfect day foG/Cr you (we'rCe making today G7/Ca speciCal day) We’rBbe singing a birthdaFy song to make youC/Gr wish G- es comGe true We Bb/Flove princess FAnna (And Fm/AbI love you Amtoo) C7So we’rDme making C/Etoday Fa perfecF/Gt day... A Dmfabulous C/Eday in Fevery Gway Yes, we are Dmmaking toC/Eday a Fperfect Gday!
[INTERLUDE 2] Ab Eb | Bb Bb Ab Eb | Fadd9 Fadd9 Cm/Eb Ab/Eb Eb | Ebm Gm (6/8 time, slow) (Elsa)
Come onFm, now we climb! (Anna) Elsa, that’s tFmoo much. You need to rest.
We need to get to our birthday chills Fm– I mean thrills
[BRIDGE] - 6/8 time, slow (Elsa)
making Fdreams! making plans! FGo go go go! GFollow the string to the end
You are my very best friend (Anna)
GElsa? (Elsa) What? I’m fine We’re gonnDa climb! We’re gonna sing!
Follow the string to the thing!
EHappy happy happy merry merry merry Fhot B7cold Fhot Gbirthday! (Anna)
Woah! Elsa, look at you; you’ve got a fever! You’re burning up!
AlGright, Am7/Gwe Gcan’C/Gt goG oAm7/Gn likeFadd9 this Let’G/Fs puFt thiG/Fs daFmaj7y on Fadd9 holdEm Em7 Am7 C/D * Come on, admit it to yourself
(Elsa) - G below should be Fmaj7/G, no 3 (3x3x10)
Ok. I have a Gcold.Dmadd9 I’m sorry, Anna, I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday.
But I ruined it, again. (Anna)
You didn’t ruinF anything. Let’s just get you to bed –
SurCsus4/Gprise!!!! (Anna) Wow!!
(Elsa) bass note below
Wow? A
[CHORUS 3] (All)
We’rBbe making today Fa perfect day foG/Cr yoCu G7/C C We’rBbe making today Fa smiley face alC/Gl shi G- ny anGd new
There’s Bb/Fa fine line betweeFn chaos (Olaf) And a Fm/AbhullabaAmloo C7
So we’rDme making C/Etoday Fa perfecF/Gt day Dmmaking toC/Eday a Fperfect F/Gday! DmA! C/EN! FN! GA!
[FINAL CHORUS] - start a cappella
Cmaking today a Gperfect day for Dyou (Kristoff) Happy Birthday!
Cmaking today a Ghappy day and Ano feelin’ blue (Kristoff) - come in full at marked A chord I love you Ababy!!
For C/Geverything you Gare to us And Gmall that you Bmdo
(Kristoff) I do!
We’rEme making D/F#today Ga perfecG/At day Emmaking toD/F#day a Gperfect G/Aday We’rEme making D/F#today Ga perfecD/At day
A Aperfect day... (Anna)
Ok, to bed with you (Elsa) No, Wait! Wait! All that’s left to do is for the Queen to blow the birthday bugle horn (Anna) Oh no no no no no... (Elsa) Achoo! (horn in distance) [OUTRO] (Anna)
D Ddim Best Em7/Dbirthday present ever (Elsa) D Which one?
(Anna) You letting me take care of you (Elsa) Achoo!