Misc Cartoons - Encanto - we don't talk about bruno
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Encanto - We don't talk about Bruno
AbWe don’t talk about BrunGo, no, no, Abno
AbWe don’t talk about BGruno, but
CmIt was my weFmdding day
It was our weGdding day
We were getting ready
And there waCmsn’t a clFmoud in the sGky
GNo clouds allowed in the sky
CmBruno walksFm in with a misGchievous grin
AbYou’re telling the story or Gam I?
GI’m sorry, mi vida, go on
CmBruno says, “FmIt looks liGke rain”
Why did he tell us?
CmIn doing so, he fFmloods my bGrain
GAbuela gets the umbrellas
CmMarried in a hFmurricanGe
What a joyous day but anyway
AbWe don’t talk about BrGuno, no, no, no
AbWe don’t talk about BGruno
Hey, gCmrew to live in fear of Bruno sFmtuttering or stumbling
GI can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling
CmI associate him with the sFmound of falling sGand, ch ch ch
CmIt’s a heavy lift with a Fmgift so humbling
GAlways left Abuela and the family fumbling
AbGrappling with prophecies they couldn’t underGstand
Do you understand?
CmA seven foot fFmrame, rGats along his back
When he cCmalls your nFmame it all fGades to black
Yeah, he sCmees your drFmeams and feastsG on your screams (Hey)
AbWe don’t talk about BrGuno, no, no, no
AbNo, No
AbWe don’t talk about BrGuno
CmHe told me my Fmfish would die, the nGext day, dead
No, no
CmHe told me I’d gFmrow a gut and just like he sGaid
No, no
CmHe said that all my hair would disaFmppear, now, lGook at my head
No, No
AbYour fate is sealed when your prGophecy is read
EbHe told me that the liBbfe of my dreams
Would be promCmised, and someday be Abmine
EbHe told me that my Bbpower would grow
Like the graCmpes that thrive on the vAbine
Óye, Mariano’s on his way
EbHe told me that the Bbman of my dreams
Would be jusCmt out of reach
BetAbrothed to another
EbIt’s like I hear him, now
Hey sBbis, I wCmant not a sound out of Abyou
It’s like I can hear him now, I can hear him now
AbUm, BGruno
YeAbah, about thGat Bruno
I Abreally need to know abGout Bruno
Give me the Abtruth and the whole trGuth, Bruno
Isabela, your boyfriend’s here
Time for dinner