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Key: E Chords: E, A2, Bsus. Album: Cars 2 Soundtrack Chords for: Collision of worlds by Brad Paisley and Robbie Williams Takamine729: You can play both Amaj or A2 but i thought A2 sounded better, also the Bsus and A2 are hammered back and forth for the chorus part ill submit some tabs for the electric guitar part however the chords can be played by both acoustic and electric. Intro: E, A2, Bsus, A2, E, 4x Verse 1:
EAt the first sign of the A2morning light, Old BsusGlory's in the A2sky EAcross the pond, it'sA2 afternoon and the BsusUnion Jack flies hA2igh EWe're on our first cup of cA2offee We're on Bsusour third cup of A2tea EAnd we can't pretend to A2live on different Bsusplanets, you and A2me
Chorus 1:
In this Ecollision of Bsusworlds A2 Watch the Enew day Bsusdawn on a diA2stant shore In this Ecollision of Bsusworlds A2 Oh Eyou can't Bsussit this A2out no more
Verse 2:
EAbbey Road, RouteA2 66, BsusCIA, to the A2MI6 ERight lane, left lane,A2 Metric, Imperial BsusPounds, dollars, hA2owdy, cheerio! EA v8 growls, to a A2v12 screams BsusHail to the chief, A2God Save the Queen ECops, bobbies, A2tabasco, wasabi, Bsuspistachio icA2e cream!
Chorus 2:
In this Ecollision of wBsusorlds A2 Well it's Etoo late and you Bsuscan't sA2top it now In this Ecollision of BsusworldsA2 Yeah fEind you a Bsusplace and just A2watch Watch it now
EWell you're a good ole'Bsus boy Yeah you're a A2decent Ebloke I say it's Bsusirony, I say it's A2a joke When I Elook aBsusround, now IA2 can see
We ain't so different, you and me Verse 3:
EMeat and potatoes, A2bangers and mash BsusDollars, pounds, A2dosh, cash EAutobahn, to the A2rising sun TheBsus I10, to the A2M1 ECongress, Parliment, A2President, The Queen! BsusPetrol, you say gasA2oline Now Egrab your bird, and A2get your girl Now Bsusits a small A2world
Chorus 2:
ECollison of Bsusworlds A2 Watch theE new day Bsusdawn on a dA2istant shore In this Ecollision of BsusworldsA2 No Eyou can't Bsussit this A2out no more In this Ecollision of BsusworldsA2 It's Etoo late and Bsusyou can't A2stop it now ECollision of BsusworldsA2 EFind you a Bsusplace and wA2atch watch it now
uhohaho 2x