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Tuning: E A D G B E
F G G7 G
CPainting the roses Gred We're Cpainting the roses G7red We Fdare not Cstop or Fwaste a Cdrop so Flet the Dpaint be Gspread We're Cpainting the C7roses Fred We're G7painting the Groses Cred F G G7 G CPainting the roses Gred And Cmany a tear we G7shed BeFcause we Cknow they'll Fcease to Cgrow in Ffact, they'll Dsoon be Gdead And Cyet we C7go aG7heaFd G7Painting the Groses Cred C C7 G# G C C7 G# G CPainting the roses Gred We're Cpainting the roses G7red Oh, Fpardon Cme but FMister CThree why Fmust you Dpaint them Gred?
G"Huh? Oh! Well... The fact is, Miss, we planted the white roses by mistake and..." The CQueen she likes 'em Gred If Cshe saw white insG7tead She'd Fraise a Cfuss and Feach of Cus would Fquickly Dlose his Ghead
G"Goodness!" Since Cthis is the C7part we Fdread We're G7painting the Groses Cred
Oh, Dear! Then let me help you
CPainting the roses Gred We're Cpainting the roses G7red Don't Ftell the CQueen what Fyou have Cseen or Fsay that's Dwhat we Gsaid But we're Cpainting the C7roses Fred Yes, G7painting the Groses Cred
C"Not pink, Not green, Not aquamarine!" We're G7painting the Groses Cred!