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Tuning: E A D G B E
Get out of Cbed CBut don't wonder how the blood got there (Good morning) If Steve FMartin violated you in your sleep again FYou will not care 'Cause there's a Cplace you can escape to mentally CWhere only silliness is making forced entry For the Fpurpose of self-preserGvation Here at Alfred's CPlayhouse!
It's a Cfantasy world of fun where reality's distorted Where a Fmanchild goes to forget he was unsuccessfully aborted (It's kind of like liquor) Your perCception is changed like magic CSo you can flee when the real world causes havoc It's Fwacky denial!!G GHere at Alfred's CPlayhouse!
FStalin's signing death lists The GEggburt's taking meth hits and CGumby and a horse are lying somewhere The FWisdom Jar's on acid The Gfrozen peas have all gone rancid, so we'll Cprobably need to buy some more peas FBeria's got his truncheon ELECTRIC GCORDS FOR OUR LUNCHEON!! DishCwasher discusses Marx over Cocktails Burnt FChild and Torso who are with GChewy try and force you to CRent us The Sound of Music CNo, I don't want to FRent us The Sound of Music GNo, I don't want to
The Cfriends in your playhouse will always love and be around you They won't Fleave you at Goodwill or when you're in the tub, try and drown you You don't Chave to feel that guy's sticky stuff in your hair CJust clap your heels 3 times, and you're away from there So forFget about the humiliation and shame FYour innocence is not being snatched from you GBecause you're here putting tape on your face and trying on silly hats AT ALFRED'S CPLAYHOUSE!!!!!!!!!