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Tuning: G C E A
EmLa da da da Bmda I'm gonna Cbury you in the Gground EmLa da da da Bmda I'm gonna Cbury you with my Gsound I'm gonna Emdrink the Bmred from your Cpretty pink Gface I'm gonnaEm Marceline that's too distastBmeful OhC you don't like that OrG do you just not like me
EmSorry I don't treat you like a Bmgoddess Is Cthat what you want me to Gdo EmSorry I don't treat you like you're Bmperfect Like Call your little loyal Gsubjects do EmSorry I'm not made of B7sugar Am I not Csweet enough for Gyou Is Emthat why you always aBmvoid me That must be Csuch an inconvenience to Gyou
Well I'mC7 just your proB7blem EmI'm just your Cmaj7problem It's like I'm not eC7ven a pB7erson am I EmI'm just your Cmaj7problem
Well IEm-I-I-I-I-I-IBm shouldn't have to jCustify what I dGo EmI-I-I-I-I-I-BmI shouldn't have to Cprove anything to Gyou I'm Emsorry that I exBmist I forget what Clanded me on your Gblacklist But EmI-I-I-I-I-I-BmI shouldn't have to be the Cone that makes up with Gyou
So whyC7 do I wanB7t to EmWhy do I Cmaj7want to To burEmy you in the ground And Bmdrink the Cblood from your UghG