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------------------------------------------------------------------- I figured these out on a ukulele, so they may need tweaking for guitar. I don't play guitar, so I have not tested them. If they are not quite right, please let me know and I will update the chords. I am not 100% sure about these, but they sound good when I play it. -------------------------------------------------------------------
AdGventure Time Come Don grab your friends We'll Cgo to very D Distant lands With GJake the dog And DFinn the human The Cfun will never Dend It's Adventure GTime!
Hey Ice DKing Why'd you steal our Cgarbage? Pretty sure we Ebdidn't DAsk to have our Ggarbage Taken Daway By some cranky Cice janitor D Just who do you Gthink you are?!
EmYou king of Gice It would Am7suffice If you'd be D7nice But you're a Cjerk! Probably Gwant to Build a Agirlfriend Out of the Dgarbage! C Now that's just Amcrazy talk EmNobody'd be that crazy It's Cprobably something else.
G Hey Ice DKing Why'd you take our Cgarbage? Really can't reEbmember DGiving you perGmission. Where could it Dbe? Gonna go and Emfind you And I promise when we Ebfind you Gonna D7take you out!
Em You king of Gcold Stop being Am7bold It's getting D7old You turbo-Emnerd! Can't beGlieve you'd Steal our Agarbage From under our Dnoses. CWe'll get to the Cmbottom of this GDon't you Emworry, C We'll get our stuff back in the Dend.D7
G Hey Ice DKing Why'd you steal our Cgarbage? Pretty sure we Ebdidn't DAsk to have our Ggarbage Taken aDway By some cranky Emice janitor. DJust who do you Gthink you are?!