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Dream of lCove, Is it really ovAmer? Can I overFcome these teGars, I close my eyCes feel that he is still with mAme, Still staFnding with me heGre... Dream of loCve are we truly paAmrted, Must this piFg forever walk aloGne, In my dreCams our love is just a dreAmam to me, But in my heFart it lives breathes and groGws, And even thoFugh we ain't allowed to be togeAmther I cross my heFart and promise to be trCue, And Im still lovFing you girl from halfway across this grAmeat big world and iFn my dreams Im holding hands with yoGu, Dream of loCve, dream of loAmve, its onFly a dream of loGve, dream of loCve , dream of looAmoooove, it's oFnly a dreamG of lCove I close my eCyes and feel his arms arouAmnd me... In my drFeams he's not so far away.