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This is a simple powerchord version of the 12-bar-blues and is really simple. It is a classic blues rhythm pattern and something all Blues guitarists should know. Its fun if you have a guitarist friend as you can both learn it and as 1 is playing it, the other can solo over it. Hope you have as much fun as I do with it. D:---------------------------------------- 9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12 A:-9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12 X2 7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7 E:-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7 --------------------------------------- THEN REPEAT THE 1ST PHRASE AGAIN ONCE FOLLOWED BY THIS B:--------------------------------------------------------------------8-7 G:--------------------------------------------------------------------6-5 D:------------------------9-9-12-12-9-9-12-12-------------------------7-6 A:11-11-13-13-11-11-13-13-7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-9-9-11-11-9-9-11-11-9-X-8-7 E:-9--9--9--9--9--9--9--9---------------------7-7--7--7-7-7--7--7-7-X---- iF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, EMAIL ME AT AND IF YOU HAVE MSN MESSENGER ADD ME, THANKS FOR READING THIS TAB.