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# Read About It by Midnight Oil from the album "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" INTRO: (7 beats/bar) B C#m E C#m A C#m timed something like this: e-|--------------------------------------------------------| B-|-4---5-5---5-9-9-5---5---5---4---5-5---5-9-9-5---5---5--| G-|-4---6-6---6-9-9-6---6---6---4---6-6---6-9-9-6---6---6--| D-|-4---6-6---6-9-9-6---7---6---4---6-6---6-9-9-6---7---6--| A-|-2---4-4---4-7-7-4---7---4---2---4-4---4-7-7-4---7---4--| E-|---------------------5---------------------------5------| (It's pretty hard to play this way, so I suggest ignoring the notes on the B-string) VERSE: (8 beats/bar) B E B E B E G#m B E B E B E C#m A CHORUS: (6 beats/bar) e-|-------------------------------------------------5-------------| B-|-------------------------------------------------7-------------| G-|-------------------------------------------------7-------------| D-|-------------2-2-----6---------------2-2-----6---7-------------| A-|-2---4-4---4-----4-------2---4-4---4-----4-------5-------------| E-|-------------------------------------------------5-------------| BRIDGE: (8 beats/bar) A# D# A# D# A# D# Gm A# D# A# D# A# D# Cm G# LYRICS: INTRO
the Brich get Ericher, the Bpoor get theE picture the Bbombs neverE hit you when you're dG#mown so low
somBe got polElution, sBome revEolution there Bmust be some sEolution but I jC#must don't know A
the Bbosses want dEecisions, the wBorkers need Eambitions there wBon't be no Ecollisions when they mG#move so slow
Bnothing everE happens, Bnothing reallyE matters Bno one ever tEells me what am C#mI to know, so what am AI to know
you wouldn't read about it, read about it
Djust another incredible scene, there's no doubt about it Bhammer andE sickle, the Bnews is at aE trickle
the Bcommisars aEre fickle but the G#mstockpile grows Bbombers keepE coming, eBngines softlEy humming
the sBtars and stripes aEre running for their C#mown big show A Banother littleE flare up, sBtorm brewed in Ea teacup
Bimagine anyE mixup and the G#mlot would go
nothing ever happens, nothing really matters
Bno one everE tells me what am C#mI to know, so what am AI to know
you wouldn't read about it, read about it
oDne unjust ridiculous steal, ain't no doubt about it
you wouldn't read about it, read about it
jDust another particular deal, ain't no doubt about it INTRO
the Brich get Ericher, the Bpoor get theE picture the Bbombs neverE hit you when you're dG#mown so low
somBe got polElution, sBome de-Eevolution there Bmust be some sEolution but I jC#must don't know A
B ahh-aEhhh, B ahh-Eahhh etc... INTRO
End. Jonathan Hart