Midnight Oil - In the valley
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Subject: IN THE VALLEY - Oils
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Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1993 08:53:29 GMT
In the valley - Oils
The notation C(G" F" E" D" C") means you play C major plus the line
g" f" e" d" c", where g" means the note g on the upper E string etc.
Well, listen to the song and you know what I mean.
C C(G" F" E" D" C") A
C C(G" F" E" D" C") A G
C C(G" F" E" D" C") A G C D F F(G")
^^^^^ is this one called F2'
My grCandfather went down with the MoFntevideo
Rising sCun sent him floatingF to his rest
And his wCife fled south to SAydney seeking oDut safe harbour F
A nCorth shore matron she becaAme with some pDaying guests F
My fCather went down with the cFurse of big cities
Traffic toClls and deadlines took him Fto his peace
Now CBob Dyer glued us Ato our seats and lDawns were always vFicta neat
WhilstC menzies fawned at rAoyal feet
D F F(D") F F(G")
I'm sure you remember, do you remember
CIn the vFalley I wCalk, in the vFalley I wAalk G
CIn the vFalley I wCalkA, wBbho will tFake me tChere
CIn the vFalley I wGalk, cold coCmfort I can hFear you talk
CIn the vFalley I wAalk, wBbho will tFake me thGere.
(play intro part)
When my mCother went down it was a stFiff arm from hades
Life surprCises and tears you like the sFoutherly
She always Cwelcomed the sAtrange, always wDelcomed the strangeFr
C A D F F(D") F F(G")
I don't see too many around like this, oh no not many like this
Chorus: ...I tBbook some cFomfort tGhere
CIn the vFalley I wGalk,C oh rough justice I hFear you talk
CIn the vFalley I wAalk to mBbeet my wFater sGhed, to mBbeet my wFater sGhed
I mBbeet my wFater sDhed
I hope virtue brGings its own reward
And DI hope the pen is mightier than Gany sword
DI hope the kids will tHake it slow
EI hope my country clGaims its own, yes I Bbdo F G F
CIn the vFalley I wCalk, I cried, yes I cried, I was dFown then I crAawled
CMercy's aFrms Aall around me wBbhen I wFas down tGhere
CIn the vaFlley I wAalk, Cdo you read me tFhey can hAear me
C A |: F G F F(G") :| C
In the valley