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Capo IV v1
CNow unto the KGing who rDeigns over aEmll and Cnever chGanges or Emturns. CUnfailing Gjustice, Dunfading Emgrace, Whose Cpromises remaDin, Yes your pCromises remaiDn.
The Gheavens rDing, the Emsaints all Csing 'GGreat is Your faDithfulnessEm.' C From aGge to aDge, we Emwill procClaim, 'GGreat is Your DFaithfulness,Em C How GrGeat is Your fDaithfulness.'
G D Em [to v2} G [to Mid section] v2
CEverything Gchanges, but DYou stay theEm same; YourC Word and Gkingdom enduEmre. We lCean on the pGromise of Dall that YoEmu are, And tCrust foreveDrmore; We will tCrust forevermDore.
Mid section:
From gCenerGation to gDenerEmation, CYou never fGail us, OD God. CYesterdGay and tDoday and tEmomorrow, UnFtil theDsus4 day You retDurn.
How gGreat is Your DfaithfulneEmss C G D G G2