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Tuning: Standard Verse 1
FWhen I stand before Your throne DmDressed in Glory not my own FWhat a joy I'll sing of on that Gday FNo more tears or broken dreams DmForgotten is the minor key FEverything as it was meant to Gbe
And we will FworGship DmWorsC/Ehip ForFever in Your Gpresence we will Fsing We will FworsGhip C/EWorship DmYou An Dmendless halleGlujah to the FKing
Verse 2
FI will see You as You are DmLove You with unsinning heart FAnd see how much You paid GTo bring me home FNot ‘til then Lord shall I know DmNot ‘til then how much I owe FEverything I am before Your Gthrone
No more Dmtears No more Emshame No more Dmsin and sorrow GEver known aFgain No more Dmfears No more Empain We will Dmsee You face to face GSee You face to face
End on G