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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Intro] Em D C D G G G G G G G G C C D D G G G C-D
Been walking thGese Gstreets,G been decCid


inDg whGat's Gtrue G Been hGands in my Cpockets, Ccoat collar Dup, Dthinking 'bGout yGou G I've been Cta


lkDing tGo mysGelf,G giving Cfa


te Dthe thGird degrGee G Been eyGes on the Cpavement adCmitting my Dpart to Dstrangers pGassing meG G G
And I know it isn'tC fair,C D but nDothing's evGer been G G Hey when you Glook at me bEmaby, my Dgod how IC feel Cso goDod again D D D
I don't know where IG went wrGong,G but it Cis


n'Dt riGght to Glie G G G Hey when you Glook at me bEmaby, my Dheart's wide Copen, Dnaked to the Geye G G G
G(guiGtar sGolo)C


D G G G G D(guiDtar sGolo)G G G G C


Now some lovers aGre apGart,G but they're Cne


veDr faGr awaGy G I can sGee her in your Ceyes, Chear her in your Dvoice, and I hDave to tGurn awGay G Oh, what Cco


veDt isG to acGhe, G is what Cac


hinDg iGs to me G G For the aGrms of a Cman who Cknows who I Dam and Dwhere I neGed to be G G G
And if I know what IC know,C D then the lDonely cGan't pretGend G When you Glook at me bEmaby, my gDod how IC feel sCo whoDle agDain G Is there hGeaven aCfter aCll, D or jDust this eGmpty spGace G That nGo amount of Emtime, no Dcomforting Csands, can Cever hDelp me fDace D D
Which is worse is yGet to cGome,G your rebCuf


f Dor mGy resignG G Hey when you Glook at me bEmaby, I'm Dhelpless as a Cchild, Dnaked to the Geye G G It's like a Cfe


veDr anGd a spGell,G unbrCok


enD byG a siGgh G Oh when you Glook at me bEmaby I'm Dgoing noCwhere, just Dnaked to the eGye G G Yeah when you Glook at me bEmaby, eDverything's Cthere, Dnaked to the Geye G G G Em D C D G C G. Hey when you look at me baby, I haven't got a prayer, naked to the eye