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Band: Maroon 5 Song: She Will Be Loved Album: Songs About Jane There are quite a few tabs out there for this song, some which are ok and some which are terrible, having seen so many I've simply adapted the parts I like from some of them and come up with this. It sounds ok to me, so enjoy! Intro/verse/bridge E|-xxxx--xx---| B|-4444--xx---| G|-5555--77--7| sounds like this D|-5555--88-8-| is just repeated A|3------88---| E|------6-----| Chorus E|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|88888888----------55555555---------| just repeat these D|88888888-88888888-55555555-66666666| power chords A|66666666-88888888-33333333-66666666| E|---------66666666----------44444444|