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Tuning: G C E A
Couldn’t reBblax
Couldn’t sit Dmback
And let the Csunlight
In my Gmlap
I sang a Bbhymn
To bring me Dmpeace
And then it Ccame
A melGmody
It felt so sBbweet
It felt so sDmtrong
It made me Cfeel
Gmlike I belonged
And all the Bbsadness inside Dmme
Melted aCway
Like I was Gmfree
I Bbfound what I’d been Clooking for Fin mysDmelf
BbFound a life Cworth living for Fsomeone Dmelse
BbNever thought that CI could be
FI could Dmbe
BbHappCy, FHappy
Don’t go Bbout
much at Dmall
I’ve never Cbeen
the type to Gmcall
I Bbrealise to be Dmhappy
Maybe I Cneed
a little coGmmpany
So now you Bbknow
you know it Dmall
That I’ve bCeen
desperately alGmone
I haven’t fBbound the one for Dmme
But I beClieve in diGmvinity
BbI found what I’d beeCn looking foFr in mDmyself
BbFound a life Cworth living for Fsomeone Dmelse
BbNever thought that CI could be
FI could Dmbe
BbHappCy, FHappy
I belBbieve (I belCieve)
in pFossibilitDmy
I belBbieve (I beliCeve)
someone’s wFatching over Dmme
And finaBblly (finalCly)
I have foFund a way to Dmbe
BbHappCy, FHaDmppy
Gm From the concrete to the Dmcoast
Gm I was looking for a Dmholy ghost
Gm Like the land joining theDm sea
Gm Happiness it followed meC
I belBbieve (I belCieve)
in pFossibilitDmy
I belBbieve (I beliCeve)
someone’s wFatching over Dmme
And finaBblly (finalCly)
I have foFund a way to Dmbe
BbHappCy, FHaDmppy