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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Verse 1]
G# We cameD to an agreementGm in goodD health
G# That if no-one would take Dcare of us
we’d be fine by ourGmselvesF
It was D#time to cut the vDiews
Of those who Gmdon't deseDrve our D#spit Cm
Why iD#s it that we crave the pDraise
From the D#people who least desDerve it? D#
[Pre-Chorus 1]
If you gave us a Dflower
We'd Gmsit and we'd Fwater A#it
But inD#stead we watch you weave your wDeb
And you Gmwait for us to fly into it
You D#act like you're a strong aDnt
We Gmall act Dlike we're D#weak Cm
If D#only you'd quit trying to cDripple
Our D#dancing fDeet
(give and forgive)
[Chorus 1]
GmBad kids,A# bad kids
FSlip through your D#hands like liquiGmd
GmBad kiA#ds, badF kids
GmVanish when you Cmshut your eyeD#lids
They'll Gmvanish when you sDhut your D#eyelids
[Verse 2]
G# Thinking of it is Dpainful
It's bGmetter to accept it Dall
G# Thinking of all the Dmothers and the daughters
And the Gmfathers and the Fsons
Who are D#waiting for a call A#
That says, "I didn't Gmmean it,
I lGmove you for Dwho you D#are. Cm
Whether you D#make it in this sick industry or nDot;
You'll always D#be my special starD."
[Pre-Chorus 2]
He said,
A#"If I becDame a pD#retty flower
A#Would you sit and taDlk to meD#?
Oh my A#roots, my rDoots are getting oD#ld
and I'm Dgetting, I'm gGmetting, I'm getting A#lonely, lonely!"
G#I'd play Superman, I'd maDke you feel safe
So Gmwhy are you DdisappointD#ed? Cm
EveryD#thing I did for you means nothDing
'Cause you D#turned out to be wDicked
[Chorus 2]
GmBad kids, A#bad kids
FVanish when you D#shut your eGmyelids
GmBad kiA#ds, bad kids
GmSlip off your Dskin like D#liquid
Yeah, they Gmslip off your Cmskin like D#liquid Gm
I'm the Cmtangled ball of stringGm,
I'm the criminal, Fyou're the viA#ctim
I am the Fcat, and you are the mA#ouse
and I am the mFilkmaid that killed all the Gmcows
So, Dam I the D#oil to stain your skin? Gm
CmGm I the D#storm that sank your ship? Gm
You are the Fhorse, and I: the cA#art
But it’s Fyou, but it’s you,D# but it’s you
Gm It's not Cmme, it's not D#me, it's not me
that Fbroke Gmyour heA#art
that Cmbroke A#your heGart
that Cmbroke A#your heGart
that Cmbroke yA#our heaGrt