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Sympathy Authors: Mark Ashton / Steve Gould / David Kaffinetti / Graham Field Lyrics of „Sympathy“ © Spoiled Rotten Kiddies Pub, Bienstock Publishing Company, Quartet Music Inc., Quartet Music, Spoiled Rotten Kiddies Publishing, Stratsong Limited, CARLIN MUSIC CORP Publised by eXtreme Bulgaria
AmNow when you climb Einto your bed tonight AmAnd when you lock anEd bolt the door DmJust think about those Eout in the cAmold and dFark, Dm'cause there's notE enough love to goAm 'round ENo there's Dmnot enough Elove to go 'AmrounEd
CmAnd sympathy is


what we need my fGriends CmAnd sympathy is what we Gneed FmAnd sympathy is wGhat we need myCm friends Fm'cause there's not Genough love to go 'CmrounGd
FmNo there's not Genough love to go 'CmroundG AmNow half the world hEates the other half AmAnd half the world hEas all the food DmAnd half the world Elies down Amand quietly Fstarves Dm'cause there's notE enough love to goAm 'rouEnd
No there's nDmot enough lEove to go 'rAmound E No there's noDmt enough loAmve go 'round F Solo:
Am G F Am G F Bm D G Em F#m Bm G Em F#m G A


sympathy is what we Aneed my friends DmAnd


sympathy is what we nAeed GmAnd sympathy Ais what we Dmneed my A#friends Gm'cause there's not Aenough love Dmto go 'Amround GmNo there's not eAnough love Dm A# GmNo there's not Aenough love to go 'Dmround