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Tuesday's Gone
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd
Transcribed by: Petey Connolly aka ToughLikePopeye
I noticed this site didn't have a quality Tuesday's Gone tab...
Guitar 1:
| |
|Guitar 2: strums these chords with the above riff: (this is an acoustic guitar) |
| this riff is played throughout the entire song except during the chorus |
| A E F#m D A E D |
| |
|Guitar 3:(also an acoustic) |
Now a 4th Guitar with distortion begins
to play the following riff while the other
3 guitars repeat their above riffs.
Guitar 4:
Dsus A E F#m D A E
also, their is a 5th guitar that plays the
chord progression (A E F#m D A E D) using
ska (upstroke) chords. each chord is hit once.
after the little mini solo riff guitar 4
played, the end changes a little bit from the
first intro riffs played by guitars 1 2 & 3
the changes are these riffs:(played together)
Dsus Dsus
|--12-10-12-10-12-10-9>10>12>10----| |---0-----0-----0----------------|
|-------------------------------10-| |-----3-----3-----3---2>3>5>2----|
|----------------------------------| and |------------------------------2-|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| |-0-----0-----0------------------|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
an electric guitar plays this riff twice,
A E F#m D A E
first time end with:(played together)
Dsus Dsus
|--12-10-12-10-12-10-9>10>12>10----| |---0-----0-----0----------------|
|-------------------------------10-| |-----3-----3-----3---2>3>5>2----|
|----------------------------------| and |------------------------------2-|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| |-0-----0-----0------------------|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
and the second time end with:(played together)
Dsus Dsus
|--12-10-12-10-12-10-12-10-| |---0-----0-----0-----0---|
|--------------------------| |-----3-----3-----3-----3-|
|--------------------------| and |-------------------------|
|--------------------------| |-------------------------|
|--------------------------| |-0-----0-----0-----0-----|
|--------------------------| |-------------------------|
along with this riff, guitar 2(acoustic)
strums the same chords it strums in the intro.
also an electric guitar plays the ska type chords as well.
TArain roll E on, on downF#m the line, DWon't you pleasAe take me faEr away? D
NAow i feel tEhe wind blow, F#moutside my Ddoor, I'm leaviAng my woman Eat home D
CHORUS:(put simply, the chorus uses the following progression:)
ATuesdays Ggone with the Dwind, My Ababys gone Gwith the wDind
(tabbed out this looks like this:)
one guitar:
another guitar:
a third guitar plays this riff over the first D chords:
then after the chorus riff, 2 guitars play that little ending riff:
Dsus Dsus
|--12-10-12-10-12-10-12-10-| |---0-----0-----0-----0---|
|--------------------------| |-----3-----3-----3-----3-|
|--------------------------| and |-------------------------|
|--------------------------| |-------------------------|
|--------------------------| |-0-----0-----0-----0-----|
|--------------------------| |-------------------------|
the bridge is very similar to the
solo riff in the intro, but there are
minor changes so here it is:
while this is played the acoustic guitars
strum the chord progression and the electric
plays the ska chords.
and the bridge ends with this ending:
Dsus Dsus
|--12-10-12-10-12-10-9>10>12>10----| |---0-----0-----0----------------|
|-------------------------------10-| |-----3-----3-----3---2>3>5>2----|
|----------------------------------| and |------------------------------2-|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| |-0-----0-----0------------------|
|----------------------------------| |--------------------------------|
VERSE 2:(identical to the first verse...)
A E F#m D A E D(end riff 2)
And I don't know, where I'm going, I just want to be left alone
A E F#m D A E D(end riff 1)
Well when this train ends, I'll try again, but I'm leaving my woman at home
CHORUS 2:(same thing as the first chorus, just a little longer.)
ATuesdays Ggone with the Dwind, ATuesdays gGone with the wDind
ATuesdays Ggone with the Dwind, AMy baby's Ggone with the wiDnd
(while the piano is playing, the guitar
is playing a pretty simple riff in the background.
I'm not positive what it's playing but I do know it
follows the same chord progression as most of the song,
the acoustic guitar plays the progression and the
riffs at the end of the verses are played at
some points.)
(then after the piano a solo similar to the intro is played
but again, with changes:)
VERSE 3:(just like the other verses:)
A E F#m D A E D(end riff 2)
Train roll on, many miles from my home, See I'm riding my blues away
A E F#m D A E D(end riff 1)
Tuesday you see, she had to be free, but somehow i've got to carry on
same as the 2nd chorus
ATuesdays gone Gwith the wDind, TAuesdays gGone with the wiDnd
ATuesdays gone Gwith the wDind, MAy baby's gEone with the wDind
(go through the progression I think one riff
is similar to the verse riff and i believe the
acoustic is going through the progression just
like the intro, they do this many times leading up to
and during the solo)
the solo: