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From: (Olivier SCHWEBEL [93-94]) Subject: l/lynyrd.skynyrd/the.ballad.of.curtis.loeb LYNYRD SKYNYRD The Ballad Of Curtis Loew from 'Second Helping' Intro: E D E (E) B Well, I used to wake the mornin' before the rooster crowed,
ESearchin' for soda bottles to Aget myself some F#dough. ERun 'em down to the corner, Bdown to the country store, ACash 'em in, and give my money to a man named Curtis ELoew.
EOld Curt was a Bblack man with Awhite curly Ehair,


When he had a fifth of Bwine he did Anot have a Ecare,


He used to own an old BDobro, used to Aplay it 'cross his Eknee


I give old Curt my Bmoney, he Aplay all day for Eme.
PlAay me a song, Curtis LEoew, Curtis LE7oew, WeAll, I got your drinkin' money, tuEne up your DE7obro. PeAople said he was useless, them peEople all were F#fools, 'Cause CEurtis Loew was the Dfinest picker to Aever play the Eblues E D E
He looked to be sixty, and maybe I was ten, Mama used to whup me, but I'd go see him again. I clap my hands, stomp my feets, try to stay in time, He'd play a song or two, then take another drink of wine. Play me a song, Curtis Loew, Curtis Loew, Well, I got your drinkin' money, tune up your Dobro. People said he was useless, them people all were fools, 'Cause Curtis Loew was the finest picker to ever play the blues
<solo: key C#m /




On the day old Curtis died, nobody came and prayed. Ol' preacher said some words, and they chunked him in the grave. Well, he lived a lifetime, playin' the black man's blues And on the day he lost his life, that's all he had to lose.
Play me a song, Curtis Loew, hey, Curtis Loew, I wish that you was here so ev'ryone would know People said he was useless, them people all were fools, 'Cause, Curtis, you're the finest picker to ever play the blues.