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A Life is so strCange with it's chDangin', yes indeAed A Well I've seen the hCard times and the prDessure's been on mAe.
A But I keep on wCorkin' like the wDorkin' man dAo A And I've got my Cact together, gonna wDalk all over yAou
AGimme back my bullets D Put 'em bCack where they belAong
D Ain't foolin' arCound 'cause I doAne had my fun D Ain't gonna sCee no mDore damage dEone
AGimme back my bullets
A Sweet talkin' pCeople done rDan me out of tAown A And I drank enough whCiskey to flDoat a battleship arAound
A But I'm leavin' this gCame one stDep ahead of yAou A And you will not heCar me cry 'cause I dDo not sing the bluAes
A Gimme back my bullets D Put 'em bCack where they belAong
D Ain't foolin' arCound 'cause I doAne had my fun D Ain't gonna sCee no mDore damage dEone
AGimme back my bullets A Been up and dCown since I tDurned seventAeen
A Well I've been on tCop, and then it seDems I lost my drAeam A But I got it bCack, I'm feelin' beDtter eveAryday
A Tell all those penCcil pushers, beDtter get out of my wAay