Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free bird
ukulelever. 1
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
chords ver. 3
chords ver. 4
chords ver. 5
chords ver. 6
chords ver. 7
chords ver. 8
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
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tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
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tabs ver. 17
tabs ver. 18
tabs ver. 19
bass ver. 1
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bass ver. 3
bass ver. 4
bass ver. 5
bass ver. 6
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Aight this is my first try at this stuff so bear with me here. The rythm part of
the whole song is pretty easy for those of you who dont want to play the lead. Bear
in mind its easier if you listen to the song to get the timing down
G, D, Em, F, C, D are the chords to the song over and over, (unless you are listening
to a live version cause the end is different).
A If I leAave here tomBmorrow,
G Would you stGill remember Ame
A For I must Abe travelin Bmon now
G Cause theres too many Gplaces I've gAot to see
A If I stAay her with Bmyou girl
G Well things just cGouldnt be theA same
A Cause I'm as fAree as a Bmbird now
G And this biGrd you'll never chaAin
G And this Gbird you cannot cAhain
G And this Gbird you cannot Achain
G Lord Gknows I cant cAhange
And its basically the same thing over and over not hard to play at all if you
are listening to the song.
If you would rather not listen to the song and just play it yourself just pick
each string on each chord from the fifth string down and back up to to the fifth
string. On the Em, go down and up twice.