Lynyrd Skynyrd - Ballad of curtis lowe
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this isnt the correct way to play this song but its the way i play it. any questions IM me mourer14069
standard tuning
Well, I Eused to wake the mornin' Bbefore the rooster crowed,
ESearchin' for soda bottles to Aget myself some Fdough.
ERun 'em down to the corner, Bdown to the country Estore,
ACash 'em in, and give my money to a man named Curtis ELoew.
EOld Curt was a Bblack man with Awhite curly Ehair,
When he had a fifth of Bwine he did Anot have a Ecare,(E)
He used to own an old BDobro, used to Aplay it 'cross his Eknee(E)
I give old Curt my Bmoney, he Aplay all day for Eme.PlAay me a song, Curtis LEoew, Curtis LE7oew,
WeAll, I got your drinkin' money, tuEne up your DE7obro.
PeAople said he was useless, them peEople all were F#fools,
'Cause CEurtis Loew was the Dfinest picker to Aever play the Eblues
He looked to be sixty, and maybe I was ten,
Mama used to whoop me, but I'd go see him again.
I clap my hands, stomp my feet, try to stay in time,
He'd play a song or two, then take another drink of wine.
On the day ol Curtis died, no body came to pray,
the old preecher said some words, and they chucked him into clay,
he lived a lifetime, playin the blackmans blues,
on the day he lost his life, thats all he had 2 lose.