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From: (Raoul Villalpando) Subject: CRD: One Time, One Night (Los Lobos) One Time, One Night from the Album By the Light of the Moon. Intro: D (11 measures) G (1 measure) D (4 measures) Verse 1
A Cwise man waFs telling stories to me aboutG the places he hFad Cbeen to and the things that had seen
A quCiet voice iFs singing something to me An Gage old song 'bFout theC brave in this land here of the free, One timeF one Gnight iCn America
Verse 2
A Clady dressed in white with the man she loves Standing aloFng the side of their pick up truck A shotC rang out inF the night JustC when evFerything seemed right AnotCher headliGne wrCitten down in America
Verse 3
The Cguy that lived next door in three o five took the kids to Fthe park and disappeared 'bout half past nine WhoC will eFver knCow how Fmuch she loved them so CThat dark GnightC alone in America
Chorus Verse 4
CFour small boys playing ball in the parking lot A preacher, aF teacher, and the other became a cop A carC skidded iFnto the rain MakinCg the lasFt little one a saint COne more ligGht goCes out in America
Verse 5
A Cyoung girl tosses a coin in the wishing well She hopes for a Fheaven while for her there's just this hell ShCe gave awFay her Clife toF become somebody's wife AnCotherG wish uCnanswered in America
GPeople having so much faith Die too soFon whileC all the rest come late We Gwrite a song that no one sings On a colFd black sGtone where a lasting peace will finally bring
Guitar Solo A (3 measures) G (1 measure) D (7 measures) G (1 measure) D (1/2 measure) G (1/2 measure) A (1 measure) D (1 measure) Verse 6
The Csunlight plays upon my window pane I wake up toF a world that's still the same My Cfather saiFd to be strong ThCat a good mFan could never do wrong In a drCeam I haGd last niCght in America
Verse 1 Chorus
C One timeF one nightG in America C OneF time oGne night in America
Outro: D (Until fadeout) Enjoy Raoul Villalpando