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Linkin Park - Valentine's Day This isn't in the same key as the recording but it is easier to play. If you're having trouble singing in this key or it just doesn't sound that good to you, try using a capo on different frets until it sounds good to you, enjoy!
Em My insides all turn to aGsh So Dslow Em And blew away as I collGapsed So DCold Em A black wind took them awGay From Dsight Em Another darkness over dGay That Dnight
And the clCouds above move clDoser Looking sGo dissatisfDied But the hCeartless wind kept blDowing, blowing
Em I used to be my own protGection But not Dnow Em Because my path has lost dirGection SomeDhow
Em A black wind took you awGay From Dsight Em Another darkness over dGay That Dnight
And the clCouds above move clDoser Looking sGo dissatisfDied And the grCound below grew cDolder As they pGut you down insDide But the hCeartless wind kept blDowing, blowing
*Interlude* Em G D
C So now you're gDone And I was wrGong I never knDew what it was lCike To be alDone...
On a Emvalentine's day On a Gvalentine's dDay On a Emvalentine's dDay On a Gvalentine's dDay