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I Amremembered black skies The Flightning all arCound mGe I reAmmembered each flash As Ftime began to CbluGr Like a Amstartling sign That Ffate had finally Cfound mGe And your Fvoice was all I heard That I Gget what I deserve
So give me Amreason To Fprove me wrong To Cwash this memory Gclean Let the Amfloods cross The Fdistance in your CeyeGs Give me Amreason To Ffill this hole ConCnect the space betwGeen Let it Ambe enough to Freach the truth and Clies AGcross this new diAmvidFe C G
There was Amnothing in sight But Fmemories left aCbandonGed There was Amnowhere to hide The Fashes fell like CsnGow And the Amground caved in BeFtween where we were CstandinGg And your Fvoice was all I heard That I Gget what I deserve
So give me Amreason To Fprove me wrong To Cwash this memory Gclean Let the Amfloods cross The Fdistance in your Ceyes AGcross this new diAmvide
In every Amloss in every Flie In every Ctruth that you deGny And each reAmgret and each goodFbye Was a misCtake too great to hGide And your Fvoice was all I heard But I Gget what I deserve
So give me Amreason To Fprove me wrong To Cwash this memoryG clean Let the Amfloods cross The Fdistance in your CeyeGs Give me Amreason To Ffill this hole ConCnect the space betwGeen Let it Ambe enough to Freach the truth and Clies AGcross this new divAmideF C AGcross this new divAmideF C AGcross this new divAmide