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hey...this is an awesome song!!!! its my first tab but it is almost perfect, i promise. im also gonna dedicate this tab to my bud scoot mcdougle. i just want him to know that ive never had the courage to tell him this(tho i think he already knows)but ive liked him a lot since the fourth grade and i still do and i just want him to know that from me. thanx. ~Basquetballgrl00 Lead Intro: e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-777-9 10 9 7 5 4-4--------------------------------------| D|--------------------3------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| OR e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-7777-9 10 9 7 5-4---------------------------------------| D|-------------------3-------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| in the background of the lead intro you hear this: /: D - c / G :/ 1-2 3-4 1-2-3-4 chords for the verse: Am C G |-5---8---3-| |-5---8---3-| |-5---9---4-| |-7---10--5-| |-----------| |-----------| verse 1: proggression--/: Am / C / Am / G :/
Am This doubt is screaming in my Cface This familiar Amplace Sheltered and Gconcealed Am and if this night wont let me Crest dont let me second Amguess what i know to be Greal Am put away all i know for Ctonight and maybe i just Ammight learn to let it Ggo Am take my security from Cme and maybeAm finally i wont have to know Ceverything
Chorus: proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am - C / D / ...(the Am, G, and the C in the chorus are the normal chords)...
Emi aCm Gfalling into Dgrace Emto the unknown Cto where Gyou are Dand Emfaith Cmakes Geverybody Dscared Emits the unknown Cthe dont know Gthat keeps me hanging Don Amand on Cand on to Dyou
Lead Intro: e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-777-9 10 9 7 5 4-4--------------------------------------| D|--------------------3------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| OR e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-7777-9 10 9 7 5-4---------------------------------------| D|-------------------3-------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| verse : same proggression--/: Am / C / Am / G :/ Chorus: same proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am - C / D / Bridge: proggression--4x /: D - C / G :/
DI'm Cagainst my Gself again DTrying to Cfit these Gpieces in DWalking Con a Gcloud of dust to DGeCt to Gyou
Chorus: same proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am - C / D / well...thats it. i hope it sounds good. =)