Liana Flores - The evolution of starkid
ukulelever. 1
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Tuning: G C E A
EbWe've been playing Bball of our lives
CmIn a Ebworld of Ablittle white Eblies
And ifEb we wanna make it then we're gonna have to fBbake it
EbNo one's gonna CmrealiAbse... Bb
I gotta Gmget back to CmHogwarts F
I gotta get back to Gmschool Eb
I gotta get myself to GmHogwarts F
Where everything is magiBbc-cool
Back to Ebwitches and Bbwizards and Fmagical Gmbeasts F
To gEboblins and Bbghosts and to Fmagical Gmfeasts F
It's Eball that I Bblove and it's Fall that I Gmneed
At AbHogEbwarts! AbHogEbwarts!...G
I'm still missing Cyou (HarrFy)
I'm still missing Cyou (HarrFy)
I'm still missing you (GWhy can't you Dsee?)
FWhat you're Gdoing to...
EI like being with Dyou (I like Abeing with you)
And Eyou like being with Dme (And you like Abeing with mEe)
We're just the Abest of friends that F#manyone can Bsee
EPeople say it's F#quite uAnlikely
The Etwo of us should G#stick
But AI just tell 'em (I'm ready, so ready!)
"BHey, It's me and my-"...
DI am the Gcoolest girl in the F#mwhole wide world
I Aknow it but can't show it at Gall...
You're Harry Freakin' DPotter
We Adon't prefer GanGdalf, Merlin or AOz
You're a Gwhole lot Dhotter
With that lAightning scar you're a sGuper star to us Eall
If we're in Gtrouble we know who to F#call...
This is Bmoh so Asad I mean myG mom and F#mdad were killed Glong ago (Long ago they GdieAd)
(I don't wanna see you go but it's not forever, not forever)
I Bmwanna be Apsyched but Gbeing unF#mliked is Gall I know (All he know's tGhat's Awhy)
(Even if it was you know that I would never let it get me down)
BmI never thought I'd be a Empart of such a fate
BmAn opportunity Emeleven years late
GI guess it's time for me to Bbstep up to the plate
And Ashow 'em that I'm something Bgreat!...
BI wannaF# be a C#starship F#ranger
BI wannaF# have the C#things they'vD#me got
BI coulF#d be a A#starshipD#m ranger
But there's Ejust one Blittle Gthing they Dare
N.C.That I'm not...
I wanna Emkick it up a Bnotch
If your Clife is at a level too Amlow
There's no aEmttempt that you can Bbotch
When all you gotta Cdo is just give it a Ago
But then aAmgain what do I kBnow
What I Emsee right there is a Bprisoner
Who's Csitting on top of the Akey...
You don't Cknow you the Amway I...
G One shot!
G G Two shots in the Fnight and they're gone
And he's Ableft all alone he's just
C One boy!
C C Two dead as his Ffeet and their blood stains the Abstreet
And there's Abnothing, no there's nothing he can do...
BbRogues Fare Cwe!
Look no further than here to see a penguin BbwitFhoCut a peer
I've got a certain touch of class (RBbogues Fare Cwe!)
Riddle me this I've got a puzzle that'll Bbput Fyou to Ctears
I am cruel but never crass...
BbThat's the FAmerican
BbNot quite CaFnadian
BbMost of us are FMexican ABbmerican Cway D
It's A Very Potter GSenior Year! EmSenior Year!
CWe're not just kids anyDmore
GSenior Year! EmSenior Year!
CBetter than ever beDfore...
Who's Gwiser than a warlock
And E7tougher than a troll
And Amcharming as a candy Bmcane?
F#Who's Amfaster than a phoenix
E7Sly as a sphynx
And Amalways set to AenterDtain?
CHere to give this sagging tale
A Ghero to emE7ploy
Look Amup to the Dskies, now Clook in my eyes
GIt's Gilderoy...
Always Emdance A
(Well, I'm just a sidekick)
Always Emdance A
(Yeah, I'm just a sidekick)
When they Emtry to stop you Aalways dance
(Oh, I'm just a sidekick)
But I Glove, I lG7ove, I Dlove! D7
Being at your Eside...
But I Bmwish it was just Alike it was beEfore...
The Astory lingers on but the G#version that is drawn is C#Twisted... F#
I C#want to know your story (I want to know your story)
So C#make the story last (So make the story-)
F#Linger over C#every A#mpart
Tell it 'til I F#know
Every bit by G#heart, wAhoah...
No Dmatter where life lGeaves us, we'll nAever be apGart
Through thick or Emthin, success or F#mruin
DI'll carry you in my F#mheart
And I will Emtreasure foF#mrever, what the Bmworld will Dnever Csee...
EmAlways treat others like F#msisters and brother and tEmhey'll do the same for...
DAll your problems Emmelt away when you're Gnaked
Yeah, you're Gnaked in a lake...
GOh you got it, oh oh you got it, oh oh you got the Aforce
GOh you got it, oh oh you got it, oh oh you got the Aforce [x4]
(I don't really wanna do the work today [x4] I don't wanna do the work today)
CI just figured out how to move, how to sing how to groove
And now you're telling me I gotta Bmwork today
CYou know that feeling when you find the thing that blows your mind
And next thing you know they wanna Bmtake it away...
BEvery day's the same, nothing changed, nothing lost, nothing gained
Is there more to life than G#mthis?
Gosh I hope so, I wish that I know so, I G#mwish that I could show them
BWhat if there's more we could be doing
I don't wanna miss any opportunities to G#mgrow
But G#mJemilla will tell me no
EWhat if Jemillas just holding us back
From Eall of the things our society lacks
We're F#right on the edge and I'm willing to leap
And I D#trust that I'll fall before G#landing on my Efeet...
This is the Edawn, the dawn Aof our time
We Eare mankind, with the Agift of a greater mind
This is the Edawn, the dawn Aof our time
We are Ewomankind, with the Agift of a stronger mind...
And F#mnothing's ever gonna Bbring us down, N.C.cause
C#mNothing can Ekeep me from Aloving you
And you Eknow it's trueB
That no Amatter what'll come to be
Our Amlove is all we Bneed
To make it F#mthrough C#m
That no Amatter what'll come to be
Our Amlove is all we Bneed
To make it Ethrough