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F - Em - C Dm - F - G
CDon't tell me you wGanna be The kiAmnd of girl who's drowGning CAnd don't go holding Gon to anythAming That's gonna keep you frGowning, darling DmEveryone's compelled to look into the mirror When they're crAmying DmJust because your tears are pretty Doesn't mean they'll get you bGy
CSing me a sad song and mFake me feel betGter Sing me a hapCpy song and IF might start to Gcry Because everDmything feels like it's going around in ciGrcles And eveDmryone knows that the world is upside dGown
CYou were once a lGittle baby AmFull of optimistic wGonder CSo what got into yGou to make you think AmThat it could pull you unGder, honey DmCould it be that we were under The impression life was pAmerfect? (La, la, la, la, la) DmAnd when the bubble burst We understood that every part of it huGrts
CSing me a sad song and mFake me feel betGter Sing me a hapCpy song and IF might start to Gcry Because everDmything feels like it's going around in ciGrcles And eveDmryone knows that the world is upside dGown
F - Em - C Dm - F - G
CI'm gDmoing to cEmolor mFy glGasses rose And CI'm gDmoing to foEmllow whFere the rGainbow goes And my pDmot of gold will be waGiting
CSo sing me a sad song anFd make me feel Gbetter Sing me a hapCpy song and IF might start to Gcry Because everDmything feels like it's going around in ciGrcles And eveDmryone knows that the world is upside dGown Yeah, eDmveryone knows the world is uGpside doCwn