Led Zeppelin - The battle of evermore
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Led Zeppelin
The Battle of Evermore
Tabber: Brian Gelvin
E-mail: rockin_vampire26@yahoo.com
I heard that someone wanted this as an individual tab instead of in my Early Days Album.
There are 6 Guitar parts:
Mandolins 1, 2, and 3*
Guitars 1 and 2 (1=6-string 2=12-string)
Finger picked Guitar (6-string)
*Arranged for Guitar with capo at 10. All notes in TAB at 10 are open strings.
()=optional note
x=finger mute
b=bend 1/2 step
Mythical Folk Ballad freely Q=144
With a strong half-time feel
Intro: Slow fade in.
Mandolins 1 and 2
|Mandolin 3
Mandolins 1, 2, and 3
*All the notes in () are Tape echo's. They're there incase you don't have echo/delay.
(Male voice:) The
Mandolins 1, 2, and 3
Mandolin Figure 1
|Queen__ of Light____ took her bow__ and then she turned__ to go,_
|Guitars 1 and 2
The Different parts are played at the same time but arn't shown that way.
|___ the Prince of Peace_ em - braced the gloom_ and
|walked the night_ a- lone.________________________________
(Female Voice:)
Mandolin 1:
dance in the dark of night___________________ sing to the morn -
Mandolin 2
*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
| (Male Voice:) The
*This part is optional and omitted from here on. (Mandolin 2's part only)
ing light.
|dark Lord rides in force_ to - night and time will tell_ us all._
Oh,_____ throw down your plow__ and
hoe,_____________ rest not to lock__ your homes.__
| Side by side__ we
|wait the might__ of the dark - est of___ them all.________________________________
|______________________________________________________ *Ah,________
*Female voice replaces male voice.
|*Bring it, bring it, bring it.
*Distant Male Chorus.
Choral Verse:
| I hear__ hors - es thun - der
|down in the val-ly be- low,__ I'm wait - in' for the
End Mandolin
|an - gels of Av - a - lon, wait - in' fro the east - ern glow. The
Verse:With Mandolin Figure 1 with ad lib variations.
*Guitars 1 and 2
ap -plees of the val - ley hold_ the seeds of hap-pi-nes,_
*From here on the Guitar arrangement is notated without the tape echo rhythms
and any other () notes are used as in the key.
____ (the) ground is rich___ from ten - der care,__ re-
(Female Voice:) Oh,_______________
pay do not__ for-get.___ No, no.
dance in the dark night,____________________ sing to the moon - light.___
ap - ples turn,_ to brown and black,_ the ty - rants face_____ is
Oh, war is the com-mon cry,_
red.______________________ Oh,___ now.
___ pick up your swords and fly.___________________
The sky is filled__ with
____ Oh,________
good and bad, mor-tals nev - er know.______________________
_______________________ Ah,__________________
___ Now.__________ Oh____________________________________________________
Choral Verse:
Oh well_ the night_ is long,__ beads of time_ pass slow,__
____ tired eyes_ on the sun - rise,______
wait-in' for the east - ern glow. The
Verse: with Mandolin Figure 1:
pain of war___ can not ex - ceed__ the woe of af - ter math,__ the
drums will shake_ the cas - tle wall__ the ring wraiths ride__ in black,____ride_______
Double Verse:
_____ sing as you raise your bow,__
____ on.______________ Ride__
___ shoot straight - er than be - fore.___________
on. No com - fort has__ the
fire at night__ that lights the fire__ so cold.____________________
___ Dance in the dark__ night,___
____ The
sing to the morn - in' light._______________________________________
magic runes__ are writ in gold__ to
birng the bal - ance back.______ Bring it back.___
Choral Verse:
At last,_ the sun_ is shinin'_ the_
clouds of blue roll by.__
With flames__ from the dra-gon of dark-ness the
sun - light it blinds his eyes.______________
Mandolins 1 and 2
| (Male Voice) Ah,______________________________________________________
|Mandolin 3
|Finger Picked Guitar
|___ Ah,________
|____ Ooh,_____________ Ooh,_____________Ah,____________________________